Thursday, September 24, 2009

El Sistema Solar

Ceci n'est pas une Powerpoint. This is not my Powerpoint. It's A powerpoint, just not the one that I am supposted to be posting. This is just a test.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Drawing of the bow

Drawing of the bow...I don't remember where I heard this. It may be some goofy yoga thing, but the gist is that sometimes it's necessary to move (or appear to) move backward in order to move forward more purposefully. Like when you draw the bow backwards to send the arrow forward, are you with me? In any event, this may just be a bs way to say that you messed up and you have to start all over again. Which I have to do with the whole visual dictionary/pics on the Nokia. To be fair, this time I have a real plan instead of just taking pictures under pressure and cobbling together some half-baked, unrelated, ill-considered, shaky, fuzzy crap. I just haven't had the time to really get to know the camera/phone, and that's the crux of the matter. You have to know your tools, right. So...visual dictionary redux. Bye-bye baño.

Time is not my friend. This is what I conclude. Time and of the devil.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Puedo ir al baño?

Originally uploaded by ann.rider
I'm testing the "blog this" function from Flickr. I have good pics of kids in school, but didn't want to make them public.'s a nice pic of the bathroom! This is part of a larger visual dictionary that I'll use to teach the parts of the school in Spanish for my third graders this year.

I just get nervous making pics of my kids public.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Back to School NIght

My Principal was kind enough to excuse me from my Back to School night duties at Glenwood so I could attend my own kids' classrooms tonight. I did make a DVD of videos I put together at the end of last school year along with an explanatory hand-out (we teachers love us some hand outs, right?) and contact information in case any of the parents are interested in the World Language program at our school. I just set up a laptop on a desk and with help of the Media Specialist with whom I share an office, will show the DVD as parents are roaming the halls. I have no idea if anyone will even watch, and what they'll think if they do. Yipes.

I may post a couple examples of their work as Quicktime movies. I had actually used the Flip camera to tape them, then loaded all the .avi files into iMovie and made very simple movies for them to watch. The kids love to see themselves speaking, and it's good for them to hear. While I'm posting things, I think I'll post the link to the WL Departments Wiki that I administer. I also have some Voicethreads that the kids did last year that I think are cool. I'll post those, too.

Honestly haven't made a whole lot of progress with the Nokia. This week is killer for meetings for me. One thing after another every night. I can't keep away from Twitter though, so I did find some great blog resources. Follow @lthumann if you're into educational technology. She's a prolific tweeter (and I mean that in the best possible sense.) She posts a lot of great information.

Because of a class blog requirement as well as recent tweets from lthumann, I also keep thinking about blogs and wikis in the classroom for younger students and wish there were some way around the whole email issue. I know pbworks allows classroom accounts without having to have an email address...don't know of any blog applications (?) that do so. I like the idea of blog for younger kids because it is a little less "open" for lack of a better word.

Anyway, posting links then catching up on pesky emails.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

First Post

This is my first post on my personal blog. I have been blogging to keep in touch with my family since 2005. Today, however, I strike out on my own. Compulsory though it may be, it is still my own. So this is my first post for the EDST 6340 Production 1 class.