Sunday, March 21, 2010


I had to change my email account today. I haven't quite closed it, but I intend to. What a colossal pain in the ass that is! I can't believe it. Someone hacked my email and started sending pharmacy spam out to everyone in my contact list/address book. I had people in there from school, work, mspec and years ago. I also had a bunch of emails that I was saving for one reason or another (digital hoarding, no doubt) but now I'm trying to decide if I need them or not. Hundreds of email. Tedious task.
I hate this and I am pissed off.
Good bye yahoo account. I'll miss you.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Recently Googled terms

Risperdal, side effects autism

That's a load to google, isn't it. It says a lot about me and where I am right now. Left out of the search because it's implied is white knuckled panic attacks uncontrollable crying and anxiety with sleeplessness.

This may be related to another search I've done recently..."menopause symptoms" and "hormonal imbalance" Sheesh. Talk about a full plate. No wonder I spend so much time googling things like "irish dance dresses" and "free new music"

Just sayin' that one thing drives another so to speak.