Sunday, December 20, 2009

The World is Flat so I'm told

First thought is that I have to read The World is Flat now... Been putting it off, but it seems like the time. Will give it to my husband for Christmas and then read it when he is finished. It has apparently been updated in 2007, so it will be relatively current (if that's possible anymore.)

And so, I have been saving Chapter 9, "What it all means" for a time when I can pay attention and think about it. Savor it, so to speak. Can Will Richardson hear my Amen from the back of the room? Amen, I say. What I like about Blogs, Wikis and Podcasts is its applicability and good sense. Web 2.0 has changed the way people interact, this affects many diverse ways. Richardson allows that the affect is a challenge for classroom teachers, which it is, physically and psychologically. However, as with any kind of change, using a thoughtful approach and a willingness to try and possibly fail at first, there is quite a lot to be gained. The role the teacher plays will change but will not be diminished in any regard. Richardson states beautifully the ways in which education and teachers will have to change...personally, I'm ok with that. Yet I have posted things on Facebook and Twitter that I have felt to be truly inspiring (and doable!) and have received some (veiled) negative comments from otherwise brilliant teachers, yet when they hear or see the word "technology" they become defensive. There is not just a big physical shift that is necessary, but an attitudinal shift.

I am really excited about the possibilities, and I can tell that Richardson is as well. He is a great model and leader. I would love to hear him speak. But I wish that I could spread some of the enthusiasm without eliciting the fear and anxiety that comes with his message. Having said that, I am willing to try.

Good course. Time well spent. I wish I had had even more time, but to quote the overquoted, it is what it is. Looking forward to more. Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Annie,

    I hear your "Amen!" and thanks for that. Glad that my book has resonated. And I hear you about the advice: be the change. Those who love learning will follow.

    Happy Holidays!

